Marathon Training Sucks (Especially While Living Out Of A Backpack)

by | Jun 26, 2021 | Blogs, Fitness | 0 comments

I have a confession to make: marathon training sucks and I hate it.

And it sucks extra hard when trying to do it out of a backpack.

Although I haven’t left to start my journey of full-time travel yet, I have sold all of my things, because I’m leaving in a few short weeks. What that means is I’m living out of my backpack and an air mattress in my apartment. Since I’m trying to keep everything organized, I packed my backpack the way I plan to have it on the road and have been living and working out of it for several days.

So, marathon training is already pretty awful. Sure, I love running, but those long days of hitting the road alone, constantly being tired and eating everything in site can get old quick. That said, it sucks extra hard when you are constantly having to keep everything packed up, worrying about your shoes stinking up your backpack, and wondering what the hell to do with your sweaty clothes.

I’m hoping marathon training doesn’t continue to suck and that I find a way to get used to it on the road. That said, once I get moving, I plan to do “Diary” posts as often as possible (and you’ll see them in the “Diary” category, accessible from the toolbar, above) where I give you a rundown of my workout that day, as well as a few other constants, like maybe what I ate, how much time I spent working, etc. I haven’t decided on all of the categories yet, but I do know I want people to see what day-to-day life is really like on the road, and the best way to do it is to write about it!

So, without further ado, here was my workout today (June 23, 2016):

3 miles at my easy pace (I’m following Hanson’s Marathon Method!) of 9/mile

5 sets of 5 squats from 15 pounds up to 50 pounds

My WOD Genius wod:

A 20 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible) of: shuttle springs, 9 overhead walking lunges and 9 1-legged single unders

I was exhausted. I am exhausted. Tomorrow, I may do another run and short WOD or I may just run and take a CrossFit rest day.

I also ate a bunch of garbage all day (because I’m stress eating!) which needs to stop.

If you guys have any great tips for marathon training motivation, please let me know in the comments below! And I hope you’ll follow along through my travel diary!

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