We’re In Houston!

by | Jun 23, 2021 | Destinations, Life | 0 comments

Let me start by saying, Houston is a massively cool place. It’s huge (yes, that old adage is actually true, everything is LEGITIMATELY bigger here), there’s a LOT to do, there are a LOT of neat people (a few of which we’ve already met!) and the weather is fun and winter-y right now.

I’m honestly stoked to be here. Since we’ve only been here about two weeks now, it’s been a lot of setting up and unpacking and relaxing. We went to two different yoga studios for some classes and a vegan potluck last week (at which we might some really cool folks). We then ended up at a DINKS meetup (Double Income No Kids) and went to have a vegan Indian buffet with some of our new friends from the potluck. In between those, we went on a date to another fun vegan place with vegan ice cream after, and lots of quality husbandwife time. It’s been awesome!

Moving to a new city as an adult is completely fun. There’s so much excitement and novelty. My hope is always that I’ll find a place that will really feel like a fit, even though time and evidence has proven that isn’t the case. (LOL!) I know I haven’t been the most stable adult ever, but I have feel like I’ve had the most fun with traveling and life in general, so it has all been worth it. And perhaps, my home base won’t look like anyone else’s: it may just be a “base” where I touch down from time to time.

Regardless, I feel like Houston could be our space for a significant amount of time, for many reasons – not the least of which is that our parents said they would move here with us if we did ultimately decide to stay and buy a house. It would be a huge plus to be in a big city and be close to our family. So for now, we’re staying put in the States, which is somewhat sad, but okay. Especially because the sadness of staying in the States is FAR outweighed by being close to our parents (we’re huge dorks that like to constantly be by our parents and we’re fine with it :-P).

Besides the fun, it’s a strange time for me right now, but in a good way. I told Jonathon before we left Florida that when we move to Texas, I want it to be like the start of any good, cheesy romantic comedy, where the heroine of the movie is finding herself and having a great time doing it. I told him I wanted to try like a hundred different jobs, go out all the time, meet new people, and just generally have a ball. Because he’s the most supportive husband in the world, he was here for it.

Now that we’ve arrived, I’ve realized that it’s just that I actually want to find a great fit and NOT run around like a chicken with my head cut off. I’ve said before on this blog that self-discovery is such a fucking bitch, mainly because once you go through a period of self-discovery, you’re like “oh okay, I’m done with that, awesome,” and then, like clockwork, life throws you a brand new period of self-discovery some time later and it’s the worst thing ever.

Over the past two years, I’ve been so perfect personally and so up-and-down professionally (guess that’s how it goes, right?!). Although my struggle with wanting to be a lawyer or not isn’t new, over the past two years it’s been almost more frustrating because I’ve been so happy with so many other areas of my life. It would be nice to find some kind of fit, or to feel like I’ve at least found something to make me deliriously happy. Yoga is that, for sure, but there’s also the matter of finding a fit there. I’m thinking of just opening my own studio + vegan restaurant and MAKING my own fit. It’s also a matter of being married to someone who was literally BORN to do the career he chose (bah, humbug, lol!). I could NOT be more stoked for or proud of my amazing, beautiful, passionate chiropractor husband, but he wont ever know what it’s like to wander around professionally from thing to thing anymore because he was born to heal people and he’s perfect at it.

So, the decision for me now is after my 300-Hour YTT (Jan 24-Feb 14 and I am SO FREAKING PUMPED!), when I come back as a shiny new RYT-500, with lots of knowledge and skill, do I settle my butt down with Hubs and start earnestly looking for some studios to teach? Or do I come back just long enough to plan my next trip and start traveling solo, now that we have a home base and Hubs is locked in his awesome job for a bit?

I’m not entirely sure yet, but I AM taking applications for travel buddies. 🙂

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